The delegation from Linzi District, Zibo, visited Rhein-Koester Intelligent Manufacturing Industry-Education Integrated Demonstration Base


On 22th of April, 2022, Jia Jiyuan, the vice district president visited high-tech zone of Zibo and exchange ideas in investment attraction, in the morning, the delegation visited the Sino-German intelligent manufacturing industry-education integrated demonstration base. 

考察团一行深入调研了中德智能制造产教融合示范基地、中德数字经济暨智能制造赋能中心等重点项目建设运营情况,对莱茵科斯特国际化、平台化、集团化的中德产教深度融合发展理念以及有效衔接“产业链-创新链-教育链-人才链”的运营模式给予充分肯定。The delegation conducted an in-depth investigation of the construction and operation of key projects such as the Sino-German Intelligent Manufacturing Industry-Education Integrated Base, Sino-German Digital Economy&Intelligent Manufacturing Empowering Center etc, and praised the corporate development concept and the effective connection between ‘industry chain—innovation chain—talent chain’.